Let’s Talk Body Image

Let’s Talk Body Image

Is Sexual Confidence the Secret to Body Positivity?

Sexual confidence and body positivity are elusive treasures we all seek. One moment we might feel like the pinnacle of beauty, and the next, not so much. One undeniable truth is that genuine confidence must sprout from within; no amount of external validation can do this for us. Achieving a certain weight, age, or body shape isn't the magic potion for confidence. True self-assurance is when you no longer need others' approval, and this is particularly true for sexual confidence.

Understanding Body Image

Body image is essentially how you perceive your body and how your thoughts about your body affect your feelings and actions. Those with negative body images often see themselves as overweight or unattractive, even when others view them quite differently. Negative body image can morph into body dysmorphia—a serious condition that may necessitate therapy or medication. Body dysmorphia can lead to eating disorders or self-harm, so it’s crucial to address these feelings if you suspect they are taking root. Conversely, positive body image isn’t tied to any specific size or shape. It’s about being content with your body and focusing on its positive aspects—something we could all practice more frequently.

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image

The rise of social media, with its photo filters and curated perfection, has greatly influenced body image issues. We constantly see celebrities and peers living seemingly flawless lives, and it’s no wonder so many struggle with body image.

Remember, what you see on social media is often a polished, filtered version of reality. Those who maintain a certain image for their careers are unlikely to show the world their true selves—the period bloating, the overindulgence in pizza, the breakout of spots, or the stubborn cellulite. Seeing perfection 24/7 can harm your body image, but don’t let it. The irony is that many influencers share body positivity quotes alongside heavily filtered images, not realising the harm this does.

Over the past decade, the body positivity movement has made significant strides in showcasing diverse shapes, sizes, skin colours, and body types. Brands and TV shows have become more inclusive, but there’s still a long way to go. Hopefully, the affirmations below will inspire you to think more kindly about yourself and your incredible body.

Empowering Body Positivity Quotes

We’ve compiled some of our favourite body image quotes and affirmations. These mantras can help you boost your confidence, both sexually and in everyday life. Repeating them out loud can reinforce their truth in your mind:

Affirmations for Sexual Confidence

  1. I am my own best friend

    • Speak to yourself as you would to your best friend, celebrating your strengths and supporting yourself through challenges.

  2. I deserve to be appreciated and respected in the bedroom and everywhere else

    • Recognise your worth and demand respect in all areas of your life, especially in intimate settings.

  3. My sexual preferences and fantasies are part of who I am – they deserve to be listened to

    • Embrace your desires without shame. Discussing and exploring them can enhance your confidence and satisfaction.

  4. I embrace my sexuality fully and compassionately

    • Sexuality is a natural part of being human. Wear your desires with pride and maybe treat yourself to some sexy lingerie to feel even more empowered.

  5. My body is a product of every experience in my life, it is me, and it is beautiful

    • Your body tells the story of your life. Appreciate its resilience and uniqueness.

  6. I have the power to make my sex life everything I want it to be

    • Your ideal sex life is within your reach. Ask for what you want, explore your desires, and take action to fulfil them.

  7. I already possess everything I need to be happy in my own skin

    • Confidence starts from within. Use your mind and body to achieve the happiness you seek.


Building confidence and body positivity is an ongoing journey. Practice these affirmations regularly, and you’ll find it easier to believe in their truth. Write your own affirmations tailored to your personal insecurities, making them even more powerful.

Featured Quote

"Confidence is not 'they will like me'. Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't'."

Call to Action

Start your journey to body positivity today by adopting these affirmations. Write your own, and let your inner confidence shine. Share your progress and experiences with us!

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